Greater Good

There are a series of Greater Good websites that I click through every day.   Each click represents a unique donation toward a cause.  In this case breast cancer, literacy, rain forest, autism, veterans, animals, child health and finally hunger.

I just noticed for the first time today that the head line on the hunger site reads "Your Actions Here Fight Famine in the Horn of Africa & Combat Hunger in the U.S."  I am appalled that we have dropped to third world country status in regards to hunger.  I'm appalled at our status for uninsured adults and children, at our science and math test scores, at a lot of things.

I have a low simmering rage directed at politicans who put politics before people.

Bought and paid for and other stuff – redux

Let's try this again.

It appears that Wisconsin in now a wholly owned subsidiary of BIG BILLIONAIRES.  The fact that an election can be purchased sends chills down my spine.  It makes me wonder if Romney will be able to purchase his way to the presidency to say nothing of senators, representatives and governors.

In other news we're still waiting for 30 of our 40 acres to sell.  We, mostly Larry, have done a tremondous amount of work getting the property in shape.  He's made numerous trips to the dump in addition to filling a huge dumpster with junk from one particular unit.  It's the one I've written about before.  The one that I needed to rake the rug to get the first level of garbage removed.

My tomatoes are growing by the minute and 2 have blossoms already.  Speaking of blossoms my lime tree which is 3 years old has finally produced what appears to be a nice crop of limes.  The mandarin orange on the other hand has yet to realize it's a fruit tree.  The seeds in the mini greenhouse were kind of a bust but I will have a bumper crop of lemon cucumbers and asian eggplant.

Last but certainly not least I went 2 weeks inbetween visits to Dr. Sanity.  I was a bit worried afterall I've been sitting on her couch weekly for quite a long time but I sailed through.

These people hijacked my Church

"How can the warm, nurturing Catholic Church of my youth now be represented in the public arena by uncharitable nasties like Gingrich and Rick Santorum?   "     

What happened to that love for all no matter who church of my college years?  To my great saddness I left it at the Newman Center at UCDavis and have never found it again.  In all too many places it has become backward and narrow minded.  It seems to be hell bent on telling men that they are the only ones capable of making decisions, clearly women cannot be responsible when it comes to their lives and their bodies.  Even nuns are relagated to second class citizenship it this ugly world.

This email left me speechless and that’s almost impossible

While my love sleeps on the couch, I sit at the computer getting outraged at the news.  Today I received this email from ThinkProgress

“Where are the women?” With those four words, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) made the most poignant statement of the week about the House GOP’s attitude towards women. The simple answer to Maloney’s question is that women are being callously left out and left behind by the right wing.

According to a recent Democracy Corps survey, there’s been a net 18-point swing away from Mitt Romney in favor President Obama among unmarried women in the past few months. Why? Because women have been watching and listening to conservatives. Here’s a sampling of what we heard just this past week:

GOP Chairman Darrell Issa defending the exclusion of a woman from his all-male panel on contraception: She’s not “appropriate and qualified.” [Read more]
Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld explaining why “liberals” support contraception coverage: “It’s more about getting rid of the poor.” [Read more]

Right-wing billionaire Foster Friess delivering his contraception advice on MSNBC: “You know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” [Read more]

Virginia Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert rationalizing a state-sponsored bill mandating vaginal probes: A woman already consented to being “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.” [Read more]

Fox News’ Liz Trotta justifies why some women are assaulted in the military: “Now what did they expect?” [Read more]

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association on women in combat: “Women are not wired, either by evolution or by God…to be in those positions.” [Read more]

Rick Santorum explaining his concerns about women in combat: “People naturally may do things that may not be in the interests of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved.” [Read more]

At least they’re being honest about what they feel.



I love a parade

And who doesn't?  It appears the Pentagon doesn't.  Yep, they seem to think it's inappropriate to throw a parade for our soldiers returning from the war in Iraq while we still have soldiers at war in Afganistan.  Perhaps they don't remember that there was a parade for the returning heros from Europe while we were still fighting Japan.

Boo, hiss Pentagon.

Cold, clear fury

As you all know I'm a breast cancer survivor as such I pay attention to breast cancer in the news.

Today the Susan G. Komen Foundation withdraw their funding for Planned Parenthood that is used for breast cancer screening.  That they withdrew their funding is appalling but they did it for purely political reasons.

Please support your local breast cancer charities rather than Komen in the future.